*Please allow 30 minutes for this and be aware that some people who you have requested to stay for photos may disappear waiting for the receiving line to end. Be sure you tell them ahead of time that they must stay for photos and have your officiant make an announcement as well.
*Please indicate if parents are separated
*Please indicate if parents are separated
*Please allow 45 seconds per pose. Additionally, we recommend that you have a point person who knows the people on your list and is loud. This ensures the photos go smoothly as we’re not constantly looking at a list and calling out names not knowing who the people are. We can then place our focus on posing (for family we don’t typically make everyone uniformed with the posed shots as more natural looks great for these (unless you request otherwise), but we will mention if someone looks awkward) and taking the photos in a timely and organized manner for you.
*We do make sure your wedding party is uniformed and with larger wedding parties we will have everyone work together to ensure they are, saying, “look to your left/ right to be sure all necklaces are straight, hair is good, bow ties straight etc.”